About Us

SME is a business platform that connects and empowers independent CPAs and lawyers.

Through peer-to-peer exchange and access to cutting-edge resources, these professionals are heavily equipped to provide quality services and deliver great customer experience to businesses just like yours.
Growing. Together.
This network of professionals works to the advantage of clients, giving them access to multiple areas of expertise, relevant industry experience and best practices – all from a single point of contact.

Better resources to exceed expectations

Proper tools are essential to deliver high quality work and positive client experience – that is why we invest heavily in technology.

SME provides a robust cloud server working environment, which allows for remote access from anywhere, at anytime, and ensures our set of software is always up-to-date with industry standards.

Strategies change to face new challenges

Experience the
change with SME

Find your trusted advisor

SME's client service philosophy focuses on building trust in our client relationships, sharing their vision and professional execution. We believe the success of our people lies in their continuous development and aligning their skill sets with your requirements, resulting in their growth and exceeding your expectations.

Increase productivity

Our independent firms will work closely with you in identifying and understanding your financial objectives in order to create a customized strategy and plan of execution that will best serve your short and long-term goals.

Fuel business innovation

Consulting services for numerous industries including manufacturing, technology, automobile, retail, real estate, hospitality, mining, transportation, service-based industries, healthcare and more. Our industrial expertise empowers you to invest in new technologies and ideas – which translates into innovation.

An outstanding
IT infrastructure


SME has established a file digitalization system to ensure clients’ documents are stored in an electronic format. This method not only increases efficiency, but also minimizes the chances of losing or misplacing files.

Cloud Storage

Our files are stored in a cloud server hosted in Canada. Daily backups guarantee data integrity and provide the peace of mind that information is protected in the event of any hardware failure.

Security & Accessibility

Being on cloud means client documents can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Moreover, we have established extra layers of security protocols to ensure our files are fully protected.